My name is Melissa Housos and I am a production designer from East LA. My education in art and film began in community college where I studied art and human expression. I later transferred to Cal State Long Beach where I earned my BA in film with a focus on editing.

I’ve since shifted to working on set. I work in art department on both narratives and commercials with most of my work being in film. I’ve designed features, short films, music videos, and commercials. My commercial clients include brands such as SheaMoisture Men, TikTok, and Presence. The shorts that I’ve worked as art department for have premiered at festivals such as Cannes, Tribeca and the LAAP Film Festival. When not doing production design, I often work as an art director. I enjoy taking on projects that challenge me creatively and allow me to be innovative with my approach to designing and styling. I design sets that provide a realistic and thorough look into the lives of the characters, while utilizing the small details in color and set dressing to provide a visual that suits the stories best.